Colonic Therapy

Colonic Hydrotherapy 
in the Northwest

Colonic Clinics offers Colonic Hydrotherapy, also known as Colonic Irrigation, at affordable prices.

Understanding Colonic Hydrotherapy

Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method for cleansing the colon of waste material. A small amount of warm, filtered water is flushed into the colon to soften and loosen the waste resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. For clients with the problem of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome or parasitic infection, 
we can also include remedial herbs.

Colonic hydrotherapy is not in anyway intended as a cure or medical treatment.

It should not be seen as an alternative to seeing your GP if you have any health concerns, neither is it intended to infer or imply symptoms of IBS or other bowel conditions will be solved

Colonic Clinics has qualified professional  therapists

Qualified professional 

At Colonic Clinics, with over 20 years of experience, we specialise in offering relaxing and beneficial colonic hydrotherapy. Your treatment will be performed by a fully qualified member of RICTAT (International Register of Integrated Colon Therapists and Trainers). We adhere to strict codes of practice to ensure your safety and well-being.
Our therapy can help you with constipation

Our therapy can help you 
with the following conditions:

  • IBS
  • Colitis
  • Diarrhoea
  • Parasitic infections
  • Bloating
  • Constipation


Nantwich£54 - Colonic and Nutritional Advice

Cheshire Oaks and Chorlton Manchester£64 - Colonic and Nutritional Advice

Coffee Enema is an additional £10 cost

We just specialise in colonics, not beauty treatments. We will not try to sell you any additional products and will give you the information you need without attempting to generate more revenue.

See what a past client has to say:

The Clinic is so discreet, Debee has an incredible wealth of knowledge. What I love is she
is a Master of One Trade not a jack of many, I used to go to the toilet once a week if
lucky but go daily now with my advice sheet and treatment twice a year. 

Kirsty - Accountant 
Choose Colonic Clinics for colonic irrigation. Call us on 
07967 204 656 or 
01270 610 123

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